Marble Restoration Sydney
We all know that having marble surfaces installed is not cheap. Whether it’s marble restoration Sydney, marble flooring, benchtops or bathtub surround; these are a significant investment in any home. It, therefore, makes sense that when working with them, you should not take any risks. We strongly advise against DIY marble (and other marble) rejuvenation as there are so many mistakes that can be made by those without the adequate experience, knowledge and of course the equipment.
Our Marble Restoration Sydney Process
The first step in any marble rejuvenation process involves removing anything that may be stuck on its surface. This includes adhesives but also things like paints and varnishes. You need to be careful in doing this because marble is a relatively soft marble and easy to scratch. Marble Restoration Sydney have purpose build equipment to remove all surface adhered products without causing any damage.
After this, any existing sealant will need to be removed. After the old sealant is removed, any stains and minor surface imperfections are removed with custom built equipment. We can remove most stains and surface imperfections without risking further damage.
Once the marble surface has been prepared to an acceptable level, it will then need to be polished. It is important that the surface is examined closely before it is polished to ensure all imperfections were removed. Polishing a poorly prepared surface will never yield good results.
The final step in marble surface preparation is sealing the surface. This is most important as it gives the marble a protective layer, preventing further damage and keeps it looking beautiful for a longer period of time. Our sealants maintain the natural beauty of the marble.
Although overall the marble rejuvenation process may sound relatively straightforward, we strongly advise against any DIY projects when working with marble or any other marble. There are just far too many things that can go wrong and these errors can destroy the marble forever. Don’t take a chance doing it yourself, for all marble restoration services contact the professionals. Sydney Marble Restoration on 0420 696 964.